How to Decorate Color-Blocked Eggs
Experiment with new color palettes and color combinations with these fun DIY modern, color-blocked Easter egg
White and brown hard-boiled Dakota Layers eggs
Liquid and/or gel food coloring
Muffin pan or small bowls for dyeing the eggs (note: the food coloring can leave permanent stains, so don't use anything too precious!)
Toothpicks or a spoon for stirring
Paper towels
Disposable gloves (optional)

Boil two cups of water, then add two tablespoons of vinegar to the hot water.
Fill the cups of a muffin pan or a small bowl with about half an inch of the hot water. add liquid food coloring based on the color formulas below or to achieve your own desired color palette.

Use a toothpick or spoon to stir the food coloring together until completely blended, then give it another quick stir before dipping your egg into the dye bath.

Wearing disposable gloves, pick up your egg and gently dip one side of the egg into the dye bath. The dye should not cover the entire egg and you should continue to hold the egg in place while it’s in the dye bath so it doesn’t roll over. hold the egg in place for several seconds for lighter colors or around a minute for deeper/more saturated colors.

remove from the dye bath and pat dry with a paper towel.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 with a second and third dye color (if desired), covering a different portion of the egg with each new dye color.

Test the dye color with a paper towel before submerging your eggs, but keep in mind that a paper towel will absorb the dye much faster than an egg, so you’ll need to leave the egg in the dye bath for a minute or two if you’re hoping to achieve brighter/more saturated colors.
If you plan to eat your decorated eggs, make sure to use only food-safe decorating materials.

View Our Delicious Recipes!
Try out some of our favorite recipes using Dakota Layers eggs.